It’s important to understand how much college will cost so your student and family are prepared for upcoming expenses. Cost of attendance is sometimes referred to as the “sticker price.” It is an estimate of what it will cost for an undergraduate student to attend University of the Pacific for one academic year. This estimate includes both costs paid directly to the university as well as indirect expenses which will vary depending on your student’s needs.
Why is the cost of attendance important?
COA is the maximum amount your family would pay for one year of college before financial aid is applied. This includes room and board, as well as supplies and transportation.
What does the cost of attendance include?
- Tuition —The amount your student will pay for classes and instruction at Pacific.
- Fees — Additional charges to cover the costs of services such as technology or lab fees.
- Housing — The charge to live at Pacific residences. Living on campus is essential to the Pacific experience and we guarantee four-year housing with a two-year requirement for all undergraduate students.
- Meal plans — At Pacific, meals are included in your student’s housing fees. First-year students are required to have at least the minimum meal plan with an option to increase it later.
- Health insurance — Coverage is required at Pacific, but if your student is already enrolled in your family’s comprehensive health insurance plan, this fee can be waived. That represents a potential savings of over $1,000!
- Indirect expenses — Educational costs not paid directly Pacific. They can include textbooks, transportation, dorm furnishings or other personal expenses.
How to calculate the cost of attendance?
While Pacific provides COA breakdown on our website, these costs often vary from student to student. When calculating your student’s COA, take into considerations factors such as:
- length of your student’s academic year
- how far your family lives from college
- lab or special equipment fees and costs
- extracurricular activities your student hopes to participates in
If you or your student have questions about Pacific’s cost of attendance and financial aid, contact Pacific's Office of Financial Aid at or 209-946-2421.
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